Thursday, 15 April 2010

Lets hold out for Something Good...

'I am more curious about the elements that, by being so widespread, are usually for that very reason shielded from view. The voices of dust, the soul of dust, these interest me a lot more than flowers, trees or horses because I take them to be stranger.’, Jean Dubuffet.

Also, Something Good is happening next Tuesday at Take 5, un-amplified and full of deliciousness (and me)

1 comment:

  1. 'Tis a good quote. Has been something I have been thinking about your dust-collecting myself; 'tis fascinating the way that dust and detritus is something that we all share in some way, and yet something we do our very best to hide. But, seeing the selection of dust-photos on here, it has also struck me that dust is actually something quite individual; presumably a reflection of lifestyle in some way. That which connects us and that which individuates us, the dichotomy of modern being, all in one place (even if that place is under the sofa). Am very interested in seeing how your work develops.
