Wednesday, 7 April 2010

deposit, fragments, grains, leavings, rubble, scree, sediment, shavings....

It has been a good week. Saturday was my birthday and despite being a miserable **** in the morning and moaning about getting older and under-achieving, I actually had a really brilliant day and had an internal telling off about being grateful for the opportunities I've had. My favourite moment was receiving a gift from my friend David, which was lovely, and then getting worriedly more excited by the envelope of dust he also gave me! I've got about 10 samples or so at the moment but really would like more to experiment with and use in the degree show.
Friday I'm hoping to get back into the projection booth at work with a decent camera and take some footage. I'm still a bit stuck as to what to do with the various samples of dust, I'm fascinated by the idea that there is some difference between them as they are from different people. Hmm......

My friend Jane has kindly, and sneakily, recorded a live set I did at one of the Howlback Hum events last month. You can have a listen on my myspace;

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