I've been going through piles of old photographs. Me and my school friends are meeting up for a reunion of sorts, a celebration of 15 years of being friends, and I wanted to find some pictures of us to take along. In the process of this I've found some beautiful things. The photo here for instance, I'm obsessed with it, which is odd as it was taken 10 years before I was born and I have no relationship to either of the people in it. The girl is called Kitty, she was at school with my mother. A few years ago my mum spent a summer looking for her old school friends, they all found each other, except for Kitty. Every photo my parents have of her makes me shiver, I don't know if it's her beauty, or the mystery, the made up stories of what might have become of her that pop into my head. She's like some mythical, ethereal creature. The man in the photograph is called Bruce, he lived with my parents for a while in the late 1970's. He died in a motorbike accident not long after this was taken, my dad has vividly recalled to me many times the knocking on the door, the stern police officer, having to phone Bruce's mother. I'm not sure why I'm writing about this, I think that seeing photos like this make me think about being young and uncertain, then looking back and seeing the fragility of it all.
I'm so acutely aware of time passing, and I wonder how it feels to have this huge expanse of life behind you. My mum's birthday was Tuesday, and today I found this photo of her, she would have been about 15. She was so beautiful, she still is........

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